Au service de la science et de la santé des Hommes par les approches de la Médecine Chinoise
Le Centre Intégré de Médecine Chinoise des Hôpitaux Universitaires Universitaire Pitié Salpêtrière – Charles Foix est une unité clinique dont la mission est de contribuer à la prévention et au traitement des maladies chroniques ou difficiles, par l’évaluation des techniques de médecine chinoise et leur transposition en thérapeutique.
Professeur Alain BAUMELOU
Pr. Alain Baumelou is in charge in La Pitié Salpetrière Hospital of the cluster SPEPS joining Public Health, Pharmacy and Pharmacology activities. He is Professor of Nephrology in University Pierre et Marie Curie ( Alain Baumelou is a member of the French Drug Licensing committee. He was french representative near CEE, WHO, FDA and EMEA. His area of research is kidney diseases, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic alterations in renal failure, nephrotoxicity of the drugs and scientific and regulatory system of drug evaluation in France.
– Renal biopsy practice in France: results of a nationwide study. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. gfq254 first published online May 11, 2010 doi:10.1093/ndt/gfq254
– Public health benefits of non prescription medicines and self care Bull Acad Natl Med. 2007 Nov;191(8):1527-31.
– Angiogenesis inhibitor therapies: focus on kidney toxicity and hypertension. Am J Kidney Dis. 2007 Aug;50(2):203-18.
Master in Skin Biology and Cosmetology (Fr.)
Pharm.D, PhD (Fr.)
Bio-data summary
▪ Dr Liou-Schischmanoff obtained most of her degrees at the University of Pharmacy Paris XI, France:
– Master 2 in Skin Biology and Cosmetology, 1989 (research at INSERM U320 Skin Biology and Pharmacology Pr. L. Dubertret).
– Doctor of Pharmacy, specialist in Hospital Pharmacy, 1990.
– French Hospital Pharmacist graduate in 1995 (“Praticien Hospitalier”, French Health Minister, Paris, Fr)
– PhD in 1998 – research program at Dermatology Department of Pr. P. Elias, University of San Francisco of California, CA, USA (1993 to 1995)
In addition, she got in 2007 her degree in Therapeutic Education, Prevention and Chronic Diseases at the University Paris VI- Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Fr.
▪ Most of her professional career took place at the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP):
– Internship in 1986 to 1990 at Lariboisière-F. Widal-Saint Lazare Hospital, Cochin-Port Royal Hospital, Henri Mondor Hospital
– Pharmacist under contract in 1990 at CNIMH (National Information Centre of Hospital Medicine), updating of “Theriaque” database
– Pharmacist under contract (« attachée ») in 1991 at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
– Assistant Pharmacist in 1992 at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
– Since 1995 up to now : Resident Pharmacist Senior at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital :
. 1995 to 2005: in charge of sterilization and management of medical devices
. 2005 until now: in charge of management of blood-based products drugs, Quality Assurance of Pharmacy Department, Management of risks (drugs), 2 consultations per week of therapeutic education of chronic hepatitis C patients in Hepato-Gastro-Enterology Department
▪ As researcher she have published a number of original articles in scientific reviews and have exposed on oral communications in international scientific congress concerning various fields (Medical Device and Sterilization, Dermatology research, Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutic Education of Chronic Hepatitis Patient).
▪ Dr Liou-Schischmanoff is also involved in teaching of students of pharmacy and in charge of several defenses of Pharmacy Doctorate
▪ Dr Liou-Schischmanoff is member of:
– the French Society of Clinical Pharmacy (SFPC) she is particularly involved in therapeutic education of chronic patients
– the Committee of Therapeutic Education of Patient at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
– the Committee of the Assessment of Professional Practices (EPP) at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
– the Committee of the Management of Risks at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
– the Committee of Immunoglobulines IV, Headquarter AP-HP (ex- Cedit)
▪ Dr Liou Schischmanoff was member of :
– the Committee of Medical Device Vigilance of “Afssaps” (1993 to 1997, sous commission “perfusion et cathétérisme”)
– the AFNOR to elaborate the Guide of Good Practices for the Sterilization of Medical Devices (2002 to 2005)
Docteur Bingkai LIU
Medical degree of Chinese Medicine (China)
Doctor of Sciences in Cell and Molecular Biology (France)
Bio-data summary
Dr Bingkai LIU obtained her medical degrees of Chinese medicine at the University of Nanjing of Chinese Medicine in 1998 and Ph.D of Cell and Molecular Biology from the Paris V University –Descartes in 2008.
▪ Most of her professional career took place at the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (1998-2004) in China and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) in France (1998-2010); and from november he was recruited by the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) as a senior research engineer.
He has worked at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine since 1998 as researcher and instructor, became assistant professor in 2000.
He has worked in different laboratories of INSER in Necker-Enfant Malades hospital, Institut Pasteur, collège de France, Hepatobiliary centre of Paul-brousse hospital and Paris XI University. His works of research focus on the molecular mechanisms of liver cancer and liver regeneration.
He published a number of articles in scientific journals and clinical journals, and was invited in French and European congress.
From 2009, he became the assistant responsible for the Diplôme Universitaire de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise (DUMETRAC) of the Paris 13 medical school.
Bingkai LIU is a committee member of the Specialty Committee of Pulse Manifestation of World World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies ; member of Pan European Federation of TCM Consultants in TCM (PEFCTCM); Vice-president de l’Association des medicine et biologists Chinois en France .